
Justin Trudeau Pierre James

Justin Pierre James Trudeau PC MP (born December 25, 1971) is a Canadian politician. He is the 23rd and current Prime Minister of Canada and leader of the Liberal Party.[1][2] The second youngest Prime Minister after Joe Clark, he is also, as the eldest son of former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, the first to be related to a previous holder of the post.[3][4]

Born in Ottawa, Trudeau attended Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf and graduated from McGill University in 1994 and the University of British Columbia in 1998. He gained a high public profile in October 2000, when he delivered a eulogy at his father’s state funeral.[5] After graduating, he worked as a teacher in Vancouver, British Columbia. He completed one year of an engineering program at Montreal’s École Polytechnique before quitting in 2003. In 2005 he began a master’s degree in environmental geography at McGill University but quit after one year. He used his public profile to advocate for various causes and acted in the 2007 TV miniseries The Great War.[6]

Eight years after his father’s death, Trudeau entered politics. In the 2008 federal election, he was elected to represent the riding of Papineau in the House of Commons. In 2009, he was appointed the Liberal Party’s critic for youth and multiculturalism, and the following year, became critic for citizenship and immigration. In 2011, he was appointed as critic for secondary education and youth and amateur sport. Trudeau won the leadership of the Liberal Party in April 2013 and went on to lead his party to victory in the 2015 federal election, moving the 3rd-placed Liberals from 36 seats to 184 seats, the largest-ever numerical increase by a party in a Canadian election.

Justin Trudeau November 2015.jpg

RÉSEAUX SOCIAUX – Comme tout bon sex-symbole, Justin Trudeau possède son lot de groupies. Alors que l’image de son postérieur moulé avait donné un coup de chaud aux réseaux sociaux, de nouveaux clichés viennent alimenter cette frénésie.

Le joli minois du Premier ministre canadien adolescent envahit Twitter. Nul ne sait comment ces photographies sont ressorties au grand jour, mais à peine arrivées sur la toile elles déchaînent les passions. Cheveux long, torse nu et très charmeur, Trudeau y apparaît loin du sérieux qui lui est parfois imposé aujourd’hui. Le sourire de ce faux Hugh Grant en a fait fantasmer plus d’un(e)s!


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